Our Mission

Each person who enters our doors will find a calling that will change the world.

To thrive is to flourish; it is to bloom. Children thrive when they can meet their potential; and be happy, healthy, joyful, curious, and strong individuals.

What if school were designed to cultivate all aspects of thriving?
A School For The 21st Century

Launched in August of 2022, Green School – Acton Academy Vieques – joins a growing network of Acton Academy Schools worldwide that are building on the success of the original Acton Academy in Austin, Texas.

Take a peek at Acton Academy and you may wonder if you’ve stepped into a mythical world where students are heroes, learning is a quest, and adults are guides for the journey. In this one-room-schoolhouse approach mixed aged students share one space. The adult is merely a guide, as students have autonomy in almost every facet of their learning.

Watch these videos about how Green School and the Acton network are transforming education.

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